Have you started seeing more riders on the track and wondering what the Level Up Program is all about? Regardless of riding ability, this program has room for everyone.
The Level Up Program was designed to support riders of all levels become part of a team. Its goal is to strengthen skills, provoke inter-rider encouragement, and motivate a level up to the next class.
Did you know that the Level Up Program is available for both Mountain Bike and BMX enthusiasts? Whether you're looking to be a part of a team, make new friends, save on parts, be the first to know about new products, or simply to have fun, this program is for you. On the plus side, VIP members receive exclusive offers, freebies, perks, and shoutouts on Box's social media.
Join the program today!
Hi box components I have been trying to get sponcerd the past few months but I’m not quite good enough ye. I’m writing this message because I heard about the level up program and I’d love to be apart of it yours sincerely ben
Can’t wait for my jersey to come in!